Thousands of new “colleagues” for Hymer-Leichtmetallbau

Supporting the bee population: our contribution to environmental protection

Protecting nature and the environment is part of our primary corporate guidelines. The ‘beefuture’ initiative has installed a honeybee colony on our company site as our contribution to supporting the increase in bee population.

The aim of the beefuture initiative is to promote corporate sponsorships for honeybee colonies and to install them on suitable company sites in a bid to preserve and protect bees. The bees are looked after by professional beekeepers from the initiative. The main goal of the project is not to harvest the honey but to keep bees as naturally and appropriately as possible as a vital contribution to environmental protection. Only a small amount of honey is harvested. Most of it is left for the bees to use in their hive.

With the arrival of our striped colleagues, we would like to make our contribution to prevent the global decline in bee population together with ‘beefuture’. Our company site situated in green fields provides the best conditions for this project - we can even imagine adding more bee colonies in future.